Alex's Guide to France

Alex's Guide to France


Have you ever wanted to travel to France (or have been and want to go back)? This 21-page guide will give you create ideas on which regions and towns to visit, as well as hotel/restaurant/shopping/sightseeing recommendations. You will learn enough to plan a great trip to Paris and the surrounding area, Alsace, and the south of France. Included are my own photographs of the various recommended spots as well as images of my watercolor paintings based on my travels in France. You’ll even get my cheat-sheet on how to have the best experience possible in France, from interacting with locals to eating cheaply to storing luggage to not melting in the heat.

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Why should you choose Alex as your guide to France?

I have spent over four months in total in France. In the summer of 2022, prior to an artist residency in Champagne, I spent a month touring the country and had some of the best experiences of my life. I’d love to share with you all the places that made this experience so magical! I speak French as well as this helped me to navigate the country to find the best of the best! My mom is a retired French professor who lived for many years in France and passes for a native, so I’ve gotten the real insider experience. And not to brag, but I’ve been my family’s official trip planner since I could read maps.

Fine print: Download and print one copy of this guide for your personal use only. Please do not share the link/downloaded file with anyone you are not traveling with.

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